Additional Nontaxable income
If you had people living with you other than a spouse or renter, include their income for the time they lived with you during the year.
Other common examples include:
• acquisition or abandonment of property gain, reported on 1099-A, not included in your federal income
• adoption assistance - subsidy payments as well as employer paid expenses
• canceled, discharged, or forgiven debt that was not included in your federal adjusted gross income, excluding any amount on line 4 of Schedule M1NC
• Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waivers
• contributions to deferred compensation plans such as 401(k), 403(b), 457 deferred compensation, or SIMPLE/SEP plan
• contributions to dependent care accounts and medical expense accounts
• disability benefits
• distributions from a ROTH or traditional IRA not included on line 1, including distributions made to charity
• employer paid education expenses
• federal adjustments to income for contributions to IRA, Keogh, and SIMPLE/SEP plans
• federally nontaxed interest and mutual fund dividends
• foreign earned income exclusion
• foster care payments, including adult foster care
• gain on the sale of your home excluded from your federal income
• G.I. Bill funding, including scholarships
• housing allowance for military or clergy
• income excluded by tax treaty
• long-term care benefits received
•lump-sum distribution reported on line 1 of Schedule M1LS
• Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services Waiver program payments
• Medicare Part B Premiums
• nontaxable Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) payments
• nontaxable employee transit and parking expenses
• nontaxable military earned income, such as combat zone pay
• nontaxable pension and annuity payments, including disability payments
• nontaxable personal injury or other settlement income
• nontaxable scholarships, fellowships, grants for education, including those from foreign sources, and tuition waivers or reductions
• ParentPay payments
• Public Safety Officer medical insurance exclusion
• reduction in rent for caretaking responsibilities, include the amount shown on your CRP
• sick pay
• strike benefits
• VEBA contributions made by the employee
• veterans’ benefits including Special Monthly Compensation (SMC)
• worker’s compensation benefits
Also include the following losses and deductions to the extent they reduced federal adjusted gross income:
• capital loss carryforward
• educator expenses and tuition and fees deductions
• health savings account, domestic production activities, and the Archer MSA deductions
• net operating loss carryforward/carryback
• passive activity losses in current year in excess of current year passive activity income, including rental losses, even if actively involved in real estate
• prior year passive activity loss carryforward claimed in 2018 for federal purposes